Thứ Sáu, 27 tháng 9, 2019

What are The Advantages of Trademark Registration?

BY Hellen Lee IN , , , , No comments

A Trademark is essentially a brand name. It may comprise of a word, name, combination of words or names or a symbol used to identify and also differentiate goods/ services produced/ provided by one seller from those offered by other sellers. It is also used to indicate source of the commodities.

Trademarks allow you to protect your company’s name, and to specify which types (classes) of goods and services your company’s trademark should be applied to. For example, coffee mugs vs. outdoor apparel. It’s important to point out that trademarks are intangible assets, and can be bought, sold or licensed.

Other Advantages of Registering a Trademark:
-It grants the right to use the registered trademark symbol: ®;
-It grants the right to file a trademark infringement lawsuit in federal court and to obtain monetary damages;
-It acts as a bar to the registration of another confusingly similar mark;
-Ability to have the customs service block the importation of goods bearing an infringing mark; and
-It may serve as the basis for an international trademark application.

If you’re considering registering for trademarks then you should hire a competent Trademark Lawyers in Vietnam who will make sure everything is protected from the get-go. Feel free to visit for this. We’re a legal marketplace that makes it easy for entrepreneurs to hire and work with quality, vetted lawyers.

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